Archive for April 2015
How Common Attacks Are Being Blocked By Linux IPTables

How Common Attacks Are Being Blocked By Linux IPTABLES
ifcfg-eth0 file configuration
Here in this section I am going to discuss some common attacks can be done on any type of Linux machine and I will also describe that how they.
Use Google Reverese Image Search To Detect Fake Facebook Profile Picture

Use Google Reverse Image search to Detect Fake Facebook Profile Picture
Facebook is the biggest social networking website which we use to connect people we know and make new friends as well. But there are many scammers out there. So, it is.
Posted by Anonymous
How to Stop Facebook From Using Your Browsing History

How to Stop Facebook From Using Your Browsing History
Earlier this week, Facebook announced that it was going to start using all of that ever-so-illuminating app and website data it collects to serve us with more targeted ads. In other words,.